Author: admin

HCSS Hiking Club had an awesome hiking trip to Skinner Mountain yesterday Click here for pictures
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Anatomy students dissected squid today. One group was even able to identify a fish as their squid’s last meal! Click 
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Students will celebrate helping one of our area’s vulnerable apex predators by providing housing for a family of owls in 
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Youth New England Wrestling Tournament, qualifying middle school wrestlers compete to be New England champions. Click here for pictures
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We are continuing our tradition of celebrating pie day. Click here for pictures
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HCSS-East Athletic Department hosted a winter sports banquet honoring the athletes who participated in the following winter sports: Boys & 
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2023-2024 Admission Lottery drawing was virtually held on March 7, 2023, at 2:00 PM. The event was recorded and can be 
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The Middle School Science Olympiad team completed their season with the Massachusetts State Tournament at Assumption University.  Students Placed extremely 
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The Science Olympiad was one of only 30 teams nation wide invited to compete in the first ever University of 
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Congratulations to HCSS Wrestling for winning Western Massachusetts. You are champions!! Click here for pictures
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